Bird Watching

Bird Watching

Tea cottage resort situated in the midst of a tea plantation surrounded by lush vegetation,the tea cottage resort is a paradise for birds and birdwatchers alike.we offer guided bird watching tours along the mountain trails and ridges in the surrounding areas, when you stay overnight t our cozy cotta

You will be awakened by the sweet melodies of birds early in the can bask in the morning sun and hear the call of the birds while sipping a golden cup of tea. You will be in unison with nature and you can enjoy the moment.we believe that we can offer life’s simple pleasure that bring true happiness and awakens your soul.

Bird watching stats by 6.00a.m and you will be able to see at least 20 species of birds in the morning hours, in afternoon and evenings , you will witness at least 10 more is suggested that you stay overnight and or few days with us to witness the bird species reported to inhabit the area. Birds such as woodpeckers, flycatchers, babblers, minivit, barbets, & bee-eaters and hill mynas are the types of birds commonly seen in the vicinity.

The number of species of birds increases with the arrival of migrant birds in September especially from the northern hemisphere and arctic regions to escape winter. Also birds such as the sri lnkan wood pigeon who migrated to low country rain forests due to dry weather in the hill country comes back with the start of the rainy season in the up country where tea cottage resort is located.

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